Wednesday, September 30, 2009

2 Days Til Period High Crevix

Chaos Metal Nights


Fortunately, the festival season is over and so the Hall concerts start again. was 2 weeks ago accordingly Nuclear Warfare plus other bands on the plan and last Saturday Possessed By Thrash Metal was offered in Pforzheim. Of the two events I have written a report, so it is now time again for a few lines about the experience to write down yesterday's concert.

clock I made 17 short closing time, to drive from Karlsruhe to Ludwigsburg, where I met Stephanie, with whom we would continue in the direction of the venue. The journey was a little slow because of traffic allowed only a slow progress and want to, unfortunately, the background music for the trip had left. Next time you pack rather what you're looking for concert preparation ok, Stephanie? The CD was only available from me track geskipt to track and it was not a single piece with me, the Open-Minded Head Metal par excellence, could catch on - and that was certainly not to me now.

But further in the text - I was miserable if the music while driving already sufficiently excited: The Central Club was found quickly and directly. Not least because of my mobile phone, which was scolded by the driver numerous, but its purpose exceedingly well met. Unfortunately, finding a parking space designed the more difficult. The parking spaces were promised to me While actually plentiful, but all of them occupied. In the end, so we treated ourselves the luxury of a paid parking lot, anyway since we were already quite late.

The hall was already filled the spot and code had entered as the first band of the night set the stage. The music was not really my thing, but it was not for more running and I've looked at me. At the moment in which I compose these lines here, the music your MySpace page in the background and I have to say even that it has something that I like. It is certainly music that two things need one hand some Hördurchgänge and second a hearing for such music. Second, over the years I probably lost something. I think that would even 5 years ago I like this band very well, while my current verdict is a "nice with potential" rather sober.

The time to Stephis main act of the evening was spent in the open air, where I met with Ralf, an extremely sympathetic Metal Head, I met and I have been to some concerts this evening probably not seen the last time. At this point a greeting to you, Ralf!

Just in time before the start of Sólstafir we were all up front. Their music could me so far not particularly inspired, but that night it was different, because I have listened the first time with a different approach: I have not considered Sólstafir metal band, but just as the band that makes music. With this setting, I was able to engage much more of what to expect. And what was offered, it was worth it. For me it was not metal and never will be, but it did on soundscapes, which were fascinating. In a moment, progressive, in the next you are minimalist and again limited to the most necessary, in a moment, brutal and destructive in other fragile as a dry twig. Even if the band in its possession stehenden knappen Stunde gerade mal auf eine handvoll Songs kam, was es zu keinem Zeitpunkt langweilig. Es war keinesfalls einfache Musik und ich werde dieser Band ohne Zweifel nochmals eine Chance geben, denn nun weiß ich, dass ich keinen Metal, dafür aber einfach gute Musik zu erwarten habe. 

Dass wir nach diesem Auftritt unsere leeren Mägen füllen war bereits zuvor beschlossene Sache. Meine wahrheitsgetreue Aussage, der McDonald's lag um die Ecke wurde missinterpretiert und so durfte ich mir den kompletten Weg dorthin dementsprechende Kommentare meiner reizenden und Listen exceedingly charming companion. Locally, the man had arrived at the bar probably pity on me and gave me a cheeseburger and ordered more than I had paid - we have looked at my hunger seems all too clear. Unlike its behavior is hardly justified. Sorry I missed the chance to say thanks to him - another time then.

saturated moral, happy and cheerful, the way to the Central further hit, where Secrets Of The Moon were already on the boards. The bids corresponded neither Stephis still my taste, so we decided to stop the evening before the band and to say goodbye.

would like at this point I say again kudos to the Central Club: The stage was really the very best thing I could ever see in a shed of this size! The light show was as opulent as we know it today almost entirely of concert videos from the 80s. The use of smoke for the last bit of humor was excessive and exactly to my liking. And besides, it was also absolutely neutral fog that does not burn as it so often after a few minutes in the eyes and nose. Also the sound on the ground was everywhere when I was in the evening terrific. He was so sharp that I did not even notice how incredibly loud it was and did so even now a buzzing in your ears - but it was worth it. Where

so much light, it must also give shade. This relates to the Club Central, the boundary conditions: the beer is 2,50 € 0,33 for a beer for my taste too high. auszuschenken Instead of bottles, you should you prefer a dispenser stand up and display a better variety for the same price in 0.5 liter pots. Moreover, the situation on the men's room is a disaster! There is only one Behindertenklo for all the lords of creation - there must be an urgent redevelopment in the form of additional Pissrinne ago, otherwise you need not surprise you really, if your plants in the front yard go due to over fertilization.

Finally, I want to thank Stephanie yet addressed. She came into my report, probably much worse off than it is true. It was fun to spend the evening with you and I look forward to the next concert. I also know that can you take a few harsh words now and then.

Who wants to see more pictures, can do so at Stephis Facebook page, which I also have here most of the stolen to seeing pictures, or to project organizers .


Friday, September 18, 2009

Anyone Buy Ooshoes Com

Review: Vault - Fuck Off And Die


With Vaults "Fuck Off And Die" is another high-class publication of Flos Dying Victims Productions . Again, it is extremely value for money and the first 33 buyer can look forward again to have a small co-payment the opportunity to get next to the tape and a T-shirt and button. One of the lucky ones who get one from this is me and once again I am very satisfied. Just like the first release of Iron Cobra "Cult Of The Snake" demo is also this time again the quality impressively high.

Also, the tape is in its presentation a feast for the eye ball: get

Vault from Malaysia based on the world map of Heavy: A pretty cool cover, which then makes good and right on the shirt Metal not necessarily left the deepest marks. Come to think over it, I remember on the fly, not a single one band that comes from there. So the band gets assigned to all cases before the exotic status. Musically, there are thrash, which is enriched with a huge share Punk.

The punk ruled not only in terms of music, for even the first track "Fuck Off And Die" issues a corresponding password. Even though the title makes one think of Darkthrone, I feel when listening mainly to the slightly newer The Exploited recalls.

continues with "Onslaught Of Death", the punk part is already low. In particular, the guitar solo makes you forget all the punk-bonds, but overall, but also the track that it is the least of all in his ear. This should now be nothing but negative - all the other songs set in fact after the first quarter so firmly in the brain that there is already one sledgehammer need to delete it again.

The next song "Heavy Metal Attack" call me in fractions of seconds, especially a band to mind: Toxic Holocaust ! Surely not the bad reference.

With "Metal Of Death" is then offered extremely onrushing forward song, the sound of a few places such a tiny little solinger heavy metal can - I can understand but if nobody recognizes except me. I have no idea how I hear it so, maybe I will remember at all costs and it feel

The final "Vengeance" the listener is then again a nice ass ride with a song, the live counts terrific under warranty and wonderful bass line offers - because my heart expands to a juicy steak.

What can we then think of this demo? Certainly this is not a new genre created and the music offers nothing you have heard somewhere and sometime before. But that's what bad? No - far from it! The demo makes listening to animal fun and is one not on the bag when it is - I just - heard in a two-hour continuous loop, what with such a technically-bregrenzten band but is often the case. Should there be copies of how to always be strictly limited to 333 pieces demos, you should contact Flo fix - long it can take no more, until it is sold out.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Where To Play Tech Decklive

A concert like any other


Again and again I am asked by outsiders how a concert would imagine because Sun Of course, one can thus generalize a bit and not every night is different, but once I tried the whole show in a model. Or so usually runs any concert:


hope I am, I am my educational mission have followed sufficiently and could be one or to move in the near future times to come along to a concert.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

How Much Curing Salt In Jerky

Review: Helvetets Port - Helvetets Port


A few days ago I got from a friend a link to a video of Port Helvetets get (Thanks Flonitz) . I knew the band only from the volatile Listen at mySpace , I am busy but not farther. That was on their side offered nice to hear, but I did not like so torn socks off.

completely different this video that fascinated me from the first moment is: is


The song to me through and through and I find it intensely as few things today on what the market will be published. Finding the right words for it is hard for me and before I reach for too pompous vocabulary, I just prefer to leave to each individual, to form an opinion - the video is after all not linked without reason. But

not just the song itself, I think is incredibly intense - and the accompanying video is of a quality that one might have expected from a band of this size hardly. Of course the boys all the 80s cliches drive to the top so that they themselves are probably more 80s are standard on it, as it was the 80s themselves. But I find it not only ok, but worthy of support: What is the eye of a metal heads can stay dry when the guys in spandex and looks Rising Sun-Shirt? I for one love such a thing. And we pay attention to not only the band's appearance while on the small details. Most of the sequences was at a Super 8 camera Date and you can really give the total illusion that this video was not 2009, but a good 25 years earlier. Consider, but only look at the lovingly placed Commodore advertising at 1:19 !

Some like one that can be cold, but I love these things. They make for me from even a significant part of enjoying music and the band has on me with this video such a huge influence that I just can not resist and could have purchased on eBay U.S. is also a Rising Sun-Shirt along with a matching bandana.

you think "Poser"? I think "but I do not care!". And when "Karate Kid" again on TV comes I will look at me the strip with delight in my new shirt!

in my madness and my newly discovered love for the band because of this one song I wanted to spread the good news and I have the link to the video rumgeschickt and the reactions were then to me very surprising. Rarely have I experienced it that a band has so divided the minds! Most Helvetets port by far were not as good as I do, sometimes even really bad. The reasons were manifold: it has too little soul, "" is the most technically inferior "," the stereotypes are completely exaggerated, "the singer can not sing" or "may simply nix" were just some the negatively-affected opinions. Others were delighted. raise

To cut something, I forwarded the song also to people with metal plates and, in particular the start-mediated little could simply look also to me, as it does not arrive in the matter of the staked listeners. Here was the reaction even essentially different: a bad reaction I did not do. Many even said that something is not their thing, but the metal was even acceptable. Many a total surprise for me was kind of shocked the skulls and utensils as well as the German translation of Helvetets port "gate to hell" - I had not really thought that you can surprise with this kind of thing. But is nice, that what Venom abolished decades ago, today it is still possible - although it is probably only the faint-hearted souls affected.

After I honestly the video in a 4-hour continuous loop was run once it was time to risk an ear for music. Thanks a Breiti that I could help.

The first run of the album was extremely disappointing. I had to "Lightning Rod Avenger" can hardly be expected that a song on the album, which is anywhere near as good, but what there was to hear this was an extreme drop in quality. Before all I could now believe, not the singer could sing fully understands. Especially with "Diamond Claw" is so necessary slate song that at first almost hurt.

But I would not dismiss it as quickly and simply gave the disc a couple of runs and now my opinion is not nearly so negative. Furthermore, no song here that "Lightning Rod Avenger" can range anywhere near the water, but when you once made friends with the album has, you can have fun with it. The pieces are simple to extremely cranky. Yes, I think this adjective, it applies quite well: In particular, take the pieces presented in Swedish their part in.

The criticism of the technical capacity of the tape I can understand. As it often sounds somewhat stiff and angular, but I do not see this as negative points. No - these are the things that give such a special product just character. And the singer, who can not sing, must be not bad in itself Toto Living Death has proved to my mind it much.

The songs are compositionally certainly no masterpieces, but still have much to offer. The songs that are always at the interface between rock and metal wall, not the first and certainly not at the second hearing, but at the latest on one of the following runs in his ear. And once they arrived here want to stay alive and always be heard.

I for one am now really been a little addicted to the disk. But I had to invest a little time though, but this has really paid off in the end.

Who likes music that is anything but straight and who is on-kissed epic hard rock and metal should risk in any case ear. Who strung on the other hand, brutal and blunt Gekloppe should make this band a huge arc.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Toshiba M300 Network Controller

what I hear because there really just ?


Was it you that way? You are Metal is not enough to assign any song any metal genre? No longer be longer be the case, because the following diagram can now be consulted:

