Saturday, February 27, 2010

Gamestop Trade In Ps3 Bluetooth Mics

Bike season opens

This year is really very early, but Rosie and I were actually today already traveling by bike: the season-opening with the traditional " rad " exhibition in the Fürth Stadthalle . We watched a tour report (" Inn Valley Cycle Tour ") and were then another two hour on the terrace of the moderately warm but still enjoy wonderful winter sun.

Friday, February 26, 2010

How Many Computers Can You Put The Same Fsx On

patio season opens

In celebration of Rosi's birthday yesterday but we were actually been around for a quick drink and ratchet with Chris on the terrace and enjoyed the - actually more - the winter sun. Slowly forward we are again on the next season. Although we liked the winter and now we hope that spring is also beautiful (and then the summer, autumn and again the winter).

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Phlegm In Sore Throat Has Blood In It

winter walk

Today was by me with premeditated winter hike is implemented. Unfortunately, the snow had melted away too much of, but at least remnants of them left us a feeling of winter approaches still feel.

To begin, we visited the castle Faber in stone to then formed historically migrate to Gera mill. There was some further historical explanations, especially coffee and Pie in the Winzerhof .

the way home again led by scenic sections and the " Wassergasse " which radiates at the onset of darkness, its own special charm. Only a few meters after the group finally parted satisfied and excited with anticipation to the upcoming preliminary meeting for the Norway trip together this summer.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Kates Playgrond

Winter is still great ...

I like this winter, for it is time at last (supposedly for 20 years) back the way I like it like: long-lasting snow and almost cold. So I was the last few days every now and again to our favorite track is "round the corner" on the go.