I have now made before writing regularly in this blog, of course, not every day but at least a week . Because of my many tasks in everyday life, it is not possible for me ever "News" carry one.
Yesterday I baked with my daughter (18 years old) biscuits. That's over already become a tradition and my husband is always happy to thieving to these delicacies. A recipe like this, I put on my web site, it is low-carbohydrate cookieRecipe .... whatever else .. :-)
Zurzeit genieße ich eine Woche Urlaub, werde gemütlich über den verschneiten Bremer-Weihnachtsmarkt bummeln gehen und das ein oder andere Geschenk suchen, finden und kaufen.
Heute Morgen hatte ich Frühstücksbesuch, auf den wohlgedeckten und adventlich geschmückten Tisch kamen natürlich nur LOW-CARB-taugliche Speisen: Frisches selbsthergestelltes und noch warmes LC-Brot, Butter, verschiedene Käsesorten, Kräuter-Quark, Gurkenscheiben, Cocktailtomaten, Rühreier mit Paprika und Schinkenspeck, Räucherlachs und eine kleine süße Verführung: Selbsthergestellte Haselnusskekse und Bratapfelstücke in Buttermandelsoße.
My visit was extremely excited and arrived to - lunch was good today - so for me already. :-) There were the remains of the evening with my husband, who could not amicably refreshment in it.
the afternoon I called a friend who is currently home to a runaway cat. I gave her a phone number that I had accidentally written by a Wanted poster. Unfortunately, this cat, not on the poster was the one cat that my friend has in her care. But one option I have, I recently spoke to someone from my neighborhood, she also misses her cat, perhaps this is one last chance in the air, a merry Christmas message to convey. same morning, the neighbor contact and pass the phone number of my acquaintances.
But a question to me is why some of these creep puss in this cold winter weather out of the house?
16th 12.2010
During the Christmas season to spend his vacation at home, is like living in a post office
send these days many friendly people Christmas package today. The delivery person rings in vain at the receiver and what is natural for nearest neighbors (in which case I) to ring, take the packet with the request for his roommate at home. This can be in the Christmas season as an annoying issue when her own apartment now mutated to a parcel post station. What to do? forward and accept or reject the comment: "Closed for package jam"! Might enter into a compromise, only accept packets for the ground floor and the 1.Etagenbereich? - Bad conscience makes itself at home, finally it's the love Christmas, in which people together should help, right?
Keywords: help, or volunteer duties is a matter of honor, in terms of humanity
Not just for Christmas Earthlings fellow human beings need some care. In the cities, living alone with or without children, families, elderly and sometimes frail or disabled people next to each other, but rarely together. Especially the older generation, where the partner has died may already live, often in their unwanted solitude. Their family members if they exist, are sometimes not able to be there for them - may live abroad or in other German cities, or are at odds ... or, or, or - there are plenty of reasons why members do not find time to set up a visit.
offer in some districts of religious communities or charities to visit or support service.
The workers' welfare, in short called AWO has to make a circle of neighborhood helpers, friendly visits with reading aloud, play games ect. Or accompaniment to the authorities, doctors make so. But also, if required in financial management, the assistants to be operational.
There are many ways people in their daily lives, and not support only at Christmas time.
For over 20 years, I'm from the District Court of Bremen as a volunteer carer for a disabled person employed. In my church community, I took over for 10 years catechetical tasks: participation of family and church services, choir member and children preparing for First Communion - including parental work. Also in the municipal primary school I was used as a "Reading Mother" and "Ante model-making," and was also a dyslexic child tutoring.
the same period, I took over for eight years, a caring job from the Youth Welfare Office Bremen, the function a childminder.
Since October 2005 I am involved in the care of older people, help them cope with their daily tasks and support the home care staff.
need Maybe someone close to them a helping hand, and not just to love Christmas.
wishes all our readers merry Christmas and sociable.
your Sabine Beuke
sinned At Christmas - hereby put my confession, I have done penance in the run-on!
On Christmas Eve, and on 1 Christmas Day for me was the GUT-world is in order, there was Raclette: Various sausage and vegetables, marinated chicken cooked in a curry-pineapple sauce and pork-oil-on to the Mediterranean Art 2nd Christmas Day I've fried potatoes (carbohydrates) indulged with bacon and beans as a side dish to meat. Then came two pieces of cake (carbohydrates) together with cream, of course, anything with sugar (carbohydrates), enriched himself and promptly had my gut registered in painful ways. This shows me once again that the "sins" just revenge.
And what was otherwise nor the holidays going on, except that had the trains, trams and cars a hard time in the snow?
comfortably and peacefully with his loved ones to be together while exchanging gifts, then wet and play happily Monopoly.
And what the "Reflective" is concerned, we were brave and still sitting in the Christmas mass at 22:00 clock in the St. Boniface Church in Bremen.
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