Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Violences Mario Salieri

New Year, "old" resolutions ? Where can I rum sause

12th 01.2011
How is the with such intentions? Some take the right to have more time for the families, or to do more fitness, or even losing a few pounds, or ... or. The new resolutions are, but in fact always the "old" - there is scarcely anyone to meet its new / old plans. But why is that? If there are no lack of strength, determination or drive?

I think that modern man is busy with so many things that he hardly has a margin around its intentions to pursue.

is time, in our society, has become something very valuable - even I often suffer Lack of time and keep trying to compress my job to shift or, in rare cases, they sometimes refuse. But still I try "my time" - time out - take, for example, a book to read, every now and then watch a movie on the big screen (cinema) on a regular basis to go to the gym, visiting friends and long long walks in the park enjoy.

Man needs his "own time" to gather strength for the things that often affect him. Otherwise it can happen to him that he is overloaded and turning into a depression.

Dear Reader, Twitter, Facebook Users, friends, acquaintances and relatives that you all take time to recharge your batteries replaced at the same time your health - in this sense I wish you for this and for future years time.


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