Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Goku X Vegeta Doujinshi

Kohl and Pinkel Tour

If others celebrate Carnival, we are a fun ride Kohl tour. In February, I have friends with cone Bremen made a little insecure, after all, such a Kohl and Pinkel funny tour of nature.

It could be said as a non Bremer or better than non-North German ask yourself what a Kohl and Pinkel tour? Is that a "disreputable", where one would turn up his nose? No.

Here is an explanation from Wikipedia:

http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr BCnkohlessen% C3%

now ensure determines the Low Carb Friends of the question, "Kohl trip, the Low Carb capable? Yes, if one pays attention to the following: No side dishes, take in the fall of potatoes and if liquor, then please vodka (KH has no.) And perhaps as an orange drink water mixture. Now comes the cry: but orange juice has carbs, so why should just the drink mixed with a lot of water so as not to fall into the trap large carbohydrate.

Who wants to be but right now "five" to the world and would like to access from time to time to the sweet spirits can certainly sometimes the rule than the exception confirmation . Consider ;-)

So now I wish all Kohl drivers have fun and let the leg swing dance properly!


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