Friday, February 18, 2011

How Long For Silicone To Dry Completely

Kendo and the power of rituals

storm With a loud war cry, the fighters each other. The swords bang against each other. What at first sounds like a brutal sword fight, is the normal practice of the kendo club Kokugikan in Kreuzberg. Kendo is a Japanese martial art that is being fought in the bamboo swords. It is trendy.
At the time of the samurai was Kendo, as well as judo and other martial arts, used it to kill the enemy. In modern Japan Kendo was then introduced as a sport, but banned after the Second World War by the Americans for a few years. Today, Kendo is one of the most popular sports in Japan and abroad, the number of followers.
articles about kendo, I asked the coach by the club Kokugikan, Mitsuyoshi Aoki. What do the fighters get in kendo, I wanted to do with him. "The individual goal of kendo is different for everyone, is a very important common goal but the strengthening of character," says Aoki. The philosophy of the struggle in kendo is different than that in judo or aikido. When it goes according to coach Kendo Aoki concerned with "the enemy first defeat with intellectual energy and then strike. "This means that you tried first to defeat the enemy with his own thought by him to take you to believe that he is inferior. Only then beats you with the sword. How popular
Kendo is actually in Berlin and Germany? "Kendo is more popular in Germany. It is not about power, but to read the mind of the enemy. Thus it can exercise at any age and of women and men. Judo has, ever since it was introduced as an Olympic discipline, has become an almost pure martial arts such as wrestling. This makes the Japanese rituals such as greetings, courtesy and respect for the opponent no longer a priority. Personen, die mit einer japanischen Kampfsportart auch die japanische Seele kennenlernen möchten, fühlen sich zunehmend von Kendo und ähnlichen Kampfkünsten angezogen“, meint der Trainer zu diesem Trend.
Auch Sportler aus Deutschland sind bei internationalen Kendo-Meisterschaften schon erfolgreich vertreten. Aokis Tochter Susanne zum Beispiel ist 2008 Europameisterin geworden. Bei der Kendo-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 war sie in der Nationalmanschaft und schaffte es auf den dritten Platz. Von fünf Nationalmannschaftsmitgliedern waren immerhin drei aus Berlin.
Am besten ist es übrigens, mit dem Kendo schon recht früh zu beginnen: zwischen dem fünften und 13. Lebensjahr. Rituale wie etwa Begrüßungen, Höflichkeit and respect are in kendo for Aoki Mitsuyoshi representations of "the most important thing." They are the expression of respect for opponents and the people.
Yakumo Tomeda, Vol 8, Berlin International School, Schmargendorf


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