Sunday, February 13, 2011

Warhammer Tabletop Online Game

MAD Dance Music Aikido

Niall is comparing Budo with music and dancing in water in the Moon . Very nice painting by Matisse to consider. picture of Matisse's Dance (La Danse) from Wikipedia used under creative commons license

not, more music, do not stop dancing.
Bryan Ferry
Some teachers teach Aikido as dancing - on the one hand, this is not at all warlike. I watched synchronized performances where everyone makes the same technique in the same form at the same time as the synchronized swimming. Hapkido is a Korean Daito Ryu Martial Arts of Aikijujutsu derived. It is written exactly like Aikido 合 気 道. In Hapkido, there is music in the background during training.
Below is a forum thread about dancing

A link was discovered by chance at an interesting article Deep inside or round dancing around by Paul Schweer
His guitar teacher told him he should the string play as they would like . This is also the form of Aikido make.
There are some clear
Parallel between Budo and music and dancing go back further than the Koerperbewegung. Time and rhythm and flow, for example. And ma ai - the critical distance (the ma ai the breaks and pauses in music are). And balance. And connection.
If we look closer what O-Sensei made at the end of his life, it is perhaps not parallel. Maybe he's not my way of some getanzt.Ich the diluted Budotraining. I mean real dancing. Dancing from the soul. Dancing for the Gods.

© 2010 niall matthews
translation: Carina RL


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