Tir na n'Og
Tir Na Nog (Old Irish Tír inna n-OC - roughly means "Land of Youth") is the most popular of Other Worlds in Irish mythology. She is perhaps best known for the story of Oisín, one of the few mortals who lived there, it was said that he was taken by Niamh of the golden hair there. It was where the Tuatha Dé Danann as they settled Ireland 's left surface and was attended by some of Ireland's greatest heroes. Tir na nOg has resemblance to other mythical Irish as Mag Mell and Ablach countries.
Tir na nOg was seen as a place that was outside the map, on an island far to the west. He could either through an arduous journey or an invitation be achieved by one of his fairy tale inhabitants. The island was visited by various Irish heroes and monks in echtrae (adventure) and immram (travel) tales popular during the Middle Ages. This other world was a place where illness and death did not exist. It was a place of eternal youth and beauty. Here came music, power, life and all the pleasant activities together in one single place. Here's the happiness lasted forever, no one wanted food or beverages. It was the Irish equivalent of the Greek Elysium or the Valhalla of the Norse.
Tir na nOg plays an important role in the story of Oisin and Niamh. Tir na nog needed to reach an adventurer a leader in Oisín case plays the role Niamh. They travel together on a magic horse that gallops on the water, the Blessed where the hero spends some time. Finally, a homesick and Oisín wants to return to his homeland. He devastated when he realizes that three hundred years have passed in Ireland since he was together with Niamh, although it seemed to him only one thing. He goes on the magic horse Niamh's home, but she warns him that if he can touch his feet off the ground, he of Tir na exclude nOg forever, but the truth is that the weight of all the years moment his descent would fall on him, and he withered with age and would die. While Oisín, is looking after his family Fianna, he helps two men to move a stone, and he falls off his horse and ages in an instant. He lives just long enough to tell his story Saint Patrick. It is said that Oisín in Elphin, County Roscommon fell from his horse. This story has a striking similarity to many other stories like that of Urashima Taro .
From: Wikipedia
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Hbo Cathouse Isabella
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Reebok Heart Rate Monitor Manual Xt
Wild is the Wind
In this new beautiful poster of Moon in the Water , Niall compares the wind with Aikido, let us go and let flow like the wind. The photo is again really great!
cool photo Rough Sea by Daniele Sartori http://www.flickr.com/photos/daniele...ri/3968339425/ photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/daniele. ..th/3968339425 / used under creative commons license
I have forgotten much Cynara!
blows the wind of change just
The wonderful poem by Ernest Dowson Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynarae http://www.theotherpages.org/poems/dowson01.html
Scorpions Wind of Change
great cover of Wild Is the Wind by Cat Power. Also check the cool versions of Nina Simone and David Bowie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AICtij-Vtng
In this new beautiful poster of Moon in the Water , Niall compares the wind with Aikido, let us go and let flow like the wind. The photo is again really great!
We're like creatures of the wind
and Wild Is the Wind
Ned Washington and Dimitri Tiomkin Wild Is the Wind
I have forgotten much Cynara!
Gone with the Wind
Ernest Dowson, non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynarae
blows the wind of change just
in the face of time
Scorpions Wind of Change
A stormy wind signals the arrival of spring in Japan. He is Haru Ichiban 春 一番 - called Spring Number One - the first wind of spring. He is strong and blows away bicycles and plants, and signs. And then comes the warm weather.
It is easy to plug in the old ways of doing and thinking to stay. Sometimes it's good to have a strong wind. Unnecessary things are blown away. Everything is fresh and new.
In Japan, Shintoism in Fujin, god of wind. He stares angrily and with a bag of wind. It is more like Boreas, the god of the wind in Greek mythology.
I already talked about the wind, in Wind Forest Fire Mountain 风 林 火山 furinkazan , The motto of Takeda Shingen. In martial arts, we must be like the wind. We move like the wind. And be free like the wind.
The title of the movie Gone with the Wind was taken from a poem by Ernest Dowson. I used to think that gone with the wind meant that something was lost in the wind - young or the old days or the past. But it really meant that he blow themselves up and take the wind can be - and by the circumstances and fate - trying to forget his lost love. The
is a nice parallel to Ukemi - the art of aikido. You're making a real attack, but once your balance broken, do you think the connection as the wind and flowing like the wind. And if your movements are like the wind You'll never be hurt.
Wikipedia article on the Wind of Change Song and the Japanese and Greek gods of wind
A stormy wind signals the arrival of spring in Japan. He is Haru Ichiban 春 一番 - called Spring Number One - the first wind of spring. He is strong and blows away bicycles and plants, and signs. And then comes the warm weather.
It is easy to plug in the old ways of doing and thinking to stay. Sometimes it's good to have a strong wind. Unnecessary things are blown away. Everything is fresh and new.
In Japan, Shintoism in Fujin, god of wind. He stares angrily and with a bag of wind. It is more like Boreas, the god of the wind in Greek mythology.
I already talked about the wind, in Wind Forest Fire Mountain 风 林 火山 furinkazan , The motto of Takeda Shingen. In martial arts, we must be like the wind. We move like the wind. And be free like the wind.
The title of the movie Gone with the Wind was taken from a poem by Ernest Dowson. I used to think that gone with the wind meant that something was lost in the wind - young or the old days or the past. But it really meant that he blow themselves up and take the wind can be - and by the circumstances and fate - trying to forget his lost love. The
is a nice parallel to Ukemi - the art of aikido. You're making a real attack, but once your balance broken, do you think the connection as the wind and flowing like the wind. And if your movements are like the wind You'll never be hurt.
Wikipedia article on the Wind of Change Song and the Japanese and Greek gods of wind
The wonderful poem by Ernest Dowson Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynarae http://www.theotherpages.org/poems/dowson01.html
Scorpions Wind of Change
great cover of Wild Is the Wind by Cat Power. Also check the cool versions of Nina Simone and David Bowie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AICtij-Vtng
translation: Carina RL
Creamy Cm Sore Throat
Happy Birthday Dana:)
Today is a very special day, because today, our dear Dana's birthday.
Therefore also in this way a couple of small birthday greetings. :)
health and happiness,
along with everything else you pleased
a long life on top of that, everything should be
bestowed on you.
We wish you all, all the best for your birthday.
Enjoy your special day and let you celebrate beautiful. :)
Dicker Knutsch
your girls from Daba:)
Therefore also in this way a couple of small birthday greetings. :)
health and happiness,
along with everything else you pleased
a long life on top of that, everything should be
bestowed on you.
We wish you all, all the best for your birthday.
Enjoy your special day and let you celebrate beautiful. :)
Dicker Knutsch
your girls from Daba:)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Suitcase Foot Replacement Part
The beauty of a used tea bowl
Japanese contemporary ceramics scene is one of the liveliest and most diverse in the world
In the pottery, the Japanese maintain a unique form of aesthetic communication. Today's ceramic scene is by no means the result of an unbroken tradition, but the result of revival and reinvention.
Philipp Meier
who has already come to enjoy Japanese cuisine, is aware of the beauty of the food packages. Not only are the bite-sized cut Esswaren piled in a refined manner, stacked, and too small, artfully coordinated structures gebüschelt. They are served in countless bowls, plates, bowls and plates, in materiality, shape, texture and color of astonishing diversity. In contrast to Western dining culture is known in Japan, no single service utensils. The dinner in a traditional accommodation (ryokan) is served up to thirty or more different vessels. Many are also used for dishes materials: stoneware and porcelain to join, depending on the season, lacquer ware, bamboo and glass. The main role of ceramics, however, play different surfaces.
Urjapanische discipline
The ceramic tradition Japans zählt heute zu den lebendigsten der Welt. Auch gehört sie mit ihren Ursprüngen in der Frühgeschichte, also vor rund 12 000 Jahren, zu den ältesten überhaupt. Oft gilt Japan daher als Paradies der Töpferkunst schlechthin. Die riesige Vielfalt der Erzeugnisse reicht vom feinen farbigen Porzellan aus Arita bis zur schrundig-archaischen Shigaraki-Keramik aus unglasiertem Steinzeug. So zählt Japan Hunderte von sehr unterschiedlichen «Öfen», die oft geografisch dicht nebeneinander liegen. Wobei mit «Ofen» nach japanischem Sprachgebrauch ebenso ein einzelnes Atelier wie ein Keramik-Gebiet mit bis zu tausend Werkstätten bezeichnet werden kann. Japan ist reich an Tonerde. Viele Töpfer graben den Ton oder zumindest Components of the mixture used even himself. In sound quality they put great weight, not least because of the intended sound image of the vessel.
ceramics occupies in the Japanese daily a significant role. In addition to the use of ceramics for daily use - often inexpensive, but attractive commodity, such as one finds them in the restaurants of the island kingdom in the widest variety - there are the exquisite and sometimes very expensive ceramics of the studio pottery for the tea ceremony, for ikebana flower arrangements or for the sake kept drinking. Then be available veritable objets d'art internationally renowned ceramic artists in prestigious galleries.
The most important role is played by the ceramic vessel, their practical value is weighted much higher than in the West, where representative showpieces periods often a life behind glass display cases. So most of ceramics in Japan, even precious, high-priced items, intended for use. And develop the very vast pieces of smaller size show their beauty often first use: quiet work such as bowls and plates, vases and tea cups that reveal the interaction with food, flowers and green tea its charm also in the sense of "form follows function» .
The understanding of "beauty in use" (yo no bi) is also reason why do Japanese wear or repaired with gold lacquer cracks (kintsugi) an object sometimes even more valuable. The patina of wear meets Japanese sense of beauty. To this includes the appreciation of the asymmetric and sometimes Bulky-brittle. In addition, a predilection for the traces of production: The game of chance, which is caused by the unpredictable forces of the fire at the wood-fired kiln is often an important part of the design. Shall apply such approach by ash glazes formed spontaneously as an expression of artful naturalness.
ceramic artist with cult status
the element of nature in the ceramic art for daily use supported, not least with the careful coordination of the dishes on the seasons into account. Sun radiates a dark stoneware tea bowl-shaped in winter for Matcha green tea dignified severity. A sake bottle of fine porcelain with a subtle cherry blossom decor reflects the other hand, the lightness of spring.
Countless ceramic galleries and regularly staged pottery markets, the most famous are visited each of hundreds of thousands of Japanese people, provide a wide bid. Moreover, the department stores offer a large assortment of ceramic. The most famous department stores such as Matsuzakaya, Mitsukoshi and Matsuya also organize temporary exhibitions with specific veritable ceramics and art exhibitions with the most prestigious studio potters in the country. In these shops the way, are the finest manufacturers in the West as represented Herend Meissen or with unusually large range - a fact which confirms the general appreciation of ceramics in Japan only.
A visit to the National Museum in Tokyo also quickly makes clear that is not between art and craft distinction in the West. An important vase tea bowl or enjoy the same status as an ink painting and calligraphy. Famous tea bowls are provided with their own name. This appreciation of ceramic Products is also reflected in the actual ceramic around 560 museums in the country. One of the most recent examples is the Museum of Modern Ceramic Art in Tajimi, built in 2002 by internationally renowned architect Arata Isozaki.
the set into a wooded hillside construction, pour from the glass fronts are mighty cascades over huge stages, houses over 1,300 objects of international modern and contemporary ceramic art. Japanese tea set is presented here in addition to European contemporary ceramic tableware and art objects. It goes without saying that this modern, exclusively dedicated to the ceramics museum in an earthquake country like Japan with a very special Design features: The floors of the exhibition rooms are suspended from the ceiling, and simply decorated cabinets are mounted on wheels so that no tremor harm the fragile treasures.
The view of the applied arts as an artistic secondary phenomenon, whose creations mangle it about the spirit and the depth was long unknown in Japan. Only through the modernization with the Meiji Restoration from the mid-19th Century cultural values standards have been adopted from the West. This has the confidence of the artisans who would be in the Japanese context but actually called a craftsman, but not destroyed. A "living national treasure" as Shoji Hamada (1894-1978), the famous Mingei potter is coming in Japan the same recognition as a master of painting or sculpture. A Fukami Sueharu enjoys today in the Japanese public a status similar to the stars of the international contemporary art.
However, it was just the world's singular institution of the "Living National Treasures" (ningen kokuhô), which after the Second World War ensured the survival of many traditional Japanese arts and crafts. This award was told for certain artists in particular by modernizing the endangered art of ceramics a tremendous kulturpolitische und gesellschaftliche Stärkung. Der Titel des «Lebenden Nationalschatzes» gilt denn auch nicht so sehr einer Person als vielmehr einer schützenswerten Handwerkstradition. Der Ausgezeichnete soll damit verpflichtet werden, das Überdauern bestimmter von ihm beherrschter Techniken durch Pflege und Weitergabe zu gewährleisten.
Die alte Melodie der Teekeramik
Daran wird auch deutlich, dass die moderne japanische Keramikszene nicht etwa ein Refugium althergebrachter Werte darstellt, an dem die Umwälzungen der Moderne spurlos vorübergegangen wären. Die oft archaisch anmutende Teekeramik Japans scheint zwar einer alten Melodie zu folgen und vermag in ihrer stillen Präsenz und to establish depth sometimes a kind of counter to the world loud and fast-paced world of modernity. In this case, but often overlooked, that one is dealing with many forms of contemporary ceramics in some ways with the modern invention of a tradition. Such recourse to supposedly traditional values served in the rapid process of modernization that Japan went through, especially the formation of a national identity. This applies in the case of a return to medieval pottery traditions, which is summarized under the term of the Momoyama-revival, and for the Mingei folk art movement. Both movements were important elements in creating the modern Japanese nation-state.
example, was the "discovery" of Sen no Rikyûs (1522-1591) tea ceremony as a "typical Japanese" art form for the first time created an aesthetic benchmark for something unique, "Private". Today's famous glazes are the Mino ceramics (kiseto, Shino, Oribe and setoguro), who were in the Momoyama period (1573-1603) were closely related to the tea ceremony, as the first independent developments in the Japanese ceramic history. As part of the rediscovery of the Mino-Ware in the thirties of the 20th Century was the first time the concept of a true "tea ceramics" shaped.
This revival and reinvention includes a renewed interest in the medieval ceramic centers of Seto, Tokoname, Shigaraki, Tanba, Echizen and Bizen. By exploring this as a "classic Japanese" and defined under the name of the "six old kilns" combined pottery was accompanied by a renaissance of old Japanese firing techniques. The ceramic products of these kilns are similar in earthy appearance, the traces of the accident, impurities in the clay and crusty ash approach glazes are characteristic, all the aesthetic ideal of simplicity, as described by the ancient tea masters in the concept of "wabi cha" (tea Taste of the Pacific was held up).
On the ideals of the simple, rustic and natural, the great ancestor of the Japanese way of tea in the 16th Century founded the Mingei movement in the first half of the 20th Century, when their father Sôetsu Yanagi (1889-1961) holds. In addition to his confrontation with the British Arts and Crafts Movement Yanagi harbored a great fascination for the imperfect rural pottery of the Korean and Japanese folk art. Through them he came to believe that true beauty is found in the simplicity and spontaneity of anonymous craftsmanship. Yanagi philosophical reflection on the beauty of simple things were because of the development of modern ceramics in Japan, scene hardly to be underestimated.
From: nzz.ch
Japanese contemporary ceramics scene is one of the liveliest and most diverse in the world
In the pottery, the Japanese maintain a unique form of aesthetic communication. Today's ceramic scene is by no means the result of an unbroken tradition, but the result of revival and reinvention.
Philipp Meier
who has already come to enjoy Japanese cuisine, is aware of the beauty of the food packages. Not only are the bite-sized cut Esswaren piled in a refined manner, stacked, and too small, artfully coordinated structures gebüschelt. They are served in countless bowls, plates, bowls and plates, in materiality, shape, texture and color of astonishing diversity. In contrast to Western dining culture is known in Japan, no single service utensils. The dinner in a traditional accommodation (ryokan) is served up to thirty or more different vessels. Many are also used for dishes materials: stoneware and porcelain to join, depending on the season, lacquer ware, bamboo and glass. The main role of ceramics, however, play different surfaces.
Urjapanische discipline
The ceramic tradition Japans zählt heute zu den lebendigsten der Welt. Auch gehört sie mit ihren Ursprüngen in der Frühgeschichte, also vor rund 12 000 Jahren, zu den ältesten überhaupt. Oft gilt Japan daher als Paradies der Töpferkunst schlechthin. Die riesige Vielfalt der Erzeugnisse reicht vom feinen farbigen Porzellan aus Arita bis zur schrundig-archaischen Shigaraki-Keramik aus unglasiertem Steinzeug. So zählt Japan Hunderte von sehr unterschiedlichen «Öfen», die oft geografisch dicht nebeneinander liegen. Wobei mit «Ofen» nach japanischem Sprachgebrauch ebenso ein einzelnes Atelier wie ein Keramik-Gebiet mit bis zu tausend Werkstätten bezeichnet werden kann. Japan ist reich an Tonerde. Viele Töpfer graben den Ton oder zumindest Components of the mixture used even himself. In sound quality they put great weight, not least because of the intended sound image of the vessel.
ceramics occupies in the Japanese daily a significant role. In addition to the use of ceramics for daily use - often inexpensive, but attractive commodity, such as one finds them in the restaurants of the island kingdom in the widest variety - there are the exquisite and sometimes very expensive ceramics of the studio pottery for the tea ceremony, for ikebana flower arrangements or for the sake kept drinking. Then be available veritable objets d'art internationally renowned ceramic artists in prestigious galleries.
The most important role is played by the ceramic vessel, their practical value is weighted much higher than in the West, where representative showpieces periods often a life behind glass display cases. So most of ceramics in Japan, even precious, high-priced items, intended for use. And develop the very vast pieces of smaller size show their beauty often first use: quiet work such as bowls and plates, vases and tea cups that reveal the interaction with food, flowers and green tea its charm also in the sense of "form follows function» .
The understanding of "beauty in use" (yo no bi) is also reason why do Japanese wear or repaired with gold lacquer cracks (kintsugi) an object sometimes even more valuable. The patina of wear meets Japanese sense of beauty. To this includes the appreciation of the asymmetric and sometimes Bulky-brittle. In addition, a predilection for the traces of production: The game of chance, which is caused by the unpredictable forces of the fire at the wood-fired kiln is often an important part of the design. Shall apply such approach by ash glazes formed spontaneously as an expression of artful naturalness.
ceramic artist with cult status
the element of nature in the ceramic art for daily use supported, not least with the careful coordination of the dishes on the seasons into account. Sun radiates a dark stoneware tea bowl-shaped in winter for Matcha green tea dignified severity. A sake bottle of fine porcelain with a subtle cherry blossom decor reflects the other hand, the lightness of spring.
Countless ceramic galleries and regularly staged pottery markets, the most famous are visited each of hundreds of thousands of Japanese people, provide a wide bid. Moreover, the department stores offer a large assortment of ceramic. The most famous department stores such as Matsuzakaya, Mitsukoshi and Matsuya also organize temporary exhibitions with specific veritable ceramics and art exhibitions with the most prestigious studio potters in the country. In these shops the way, are the finest manufacturers in the West as represented Herend Meissen or with unusually large range - a fact which confirms the general appreciation of ceramics in Japan only.
A visit to the National Museum in Tokyo also quickly makes clear that is not between art and craft distinction in the West. An important vase tea bowl or enjoy the same status as an ink painting and calligraphy. Famous tea bowls are provided with their own name. This appreciation of ceramic Products is also reflected in the actual ceramic around 560 museums in the country. One of the most recent examples is the Museum of Modern Ceramic Art in Tajimi, built in 2002 by internationally renowned architect Arata Isozaki.
the set into a wooded hillside construction, pour from the glass fronts are mighty cascades over huge stages, houses over 1,300 objects of international modern and contemporary ceramic art. Japanese tea set is presented here in addition to European contemporary ceramic tableware and art objects. It goes without saying that this modern, exclusively dedicated to the ceramics museum in an earthquake country like Japan with a very special Design features: The floors of the exhibition rooms are suspended from the ceiling, and simply decorated cabinets are mounted on wheels so that no tremor harm the fragile treasures.
The view of the applied arts as an artistic secondary phenomenon, whose creations mangle it about the spirit and the depth was long unknown in Japan. Only through the modernization with the Meiji Restoration from the mid-19th Century cultural values standards have been adopted from the West. This has the confidence of the artisans who would be in the Japanese context but actually called a craftsman, but not destroyed. A "living national treasure" as Shoji Hamada (1894-1978), the famous Mingei potter is coming in Japan the same recognition as a master of painting or sculpture. A Fukami Sueharu enjoys today in the Japanese public a status similar to the stars of the international contemporary art.
However, it was just the world's singular institution of the "Living National Treasures" (ningen kokuhô), which after the Second World War ensured the survival of many traditional Japanese arts and crafts. This award was told for certain artists in particular by modernizing the endangered art of ceramics a tremendous kulturpolitische und gesellschaftliche Stärkung. Der Titel des «Lebenden Nationalschatzes» gilt denn auch nicht so sehr einer Person als vielmehr einer schützenswerten Handwerkstradition. Der Ausgezeichnete soll damit verpflichtet werden, das Überdauern bestimmter von ihm beherrschter Techniken durch Pflege und Weitergabe zu gewährleisten.
Die alte Melodie der Teekeramik
Daran wird auch deutlich, dass die moderne japanische Keramikszene nicht etwa ein Refugium althergebrachter Werte darstellt, an dem die Umwälzungen der Moderne spurlos vorübergegangen wären. Die oft archaisch anmutende Teekeramik Japans scheint zwar einer alten Melodie zu folgen und vermag in ihrer stillen Präsenz und to establish depth sometimes a kind of counter to the world loud and fast-paced world of modernity. In this case, but often overlooked, that one is dealing with many forms of contemporary ceramics in some ways with the modern invention of a tradition. Such recourse to supposedly traditional values served in the rapid process of modernization that Japan went through, especially the formation of a national identity. This applies in the case of a return to medieval pottery traditions, which is summarized under the term of the Momoyama-revival, and for the Mingei folk art movement. Both movements were important elements in creating the modern Japanese nation-state.
example, was the "discovery" of Sen no Rikyûs (1522-1591) tea ceremony as a "typical Japanese" art form for the first time created an aesthetic benchmark for something unique, "Private". Today's famous glazes are the Mino ceramics (kiseto, Shino, Oribe and setoguro), who were in the Momoyama period (1573-1603) were closely related to the tea ceremony, as the first independent developments in the Japanese ceramic history. As part of the rediscovery of the Mino-Ware in the thirties of the 20th Century was the first time the concept of a true "tea ceramics" shaped.
This revival and reinvention includes a renewed interest in the medieval ceramic centers of Seto, Tokoname, Shigaraki, Tanba, Echizen and Bizen. By exploring this as a "classic Japanese" and defined under the name of the "six old kilns" combined pottery was accompanied by a renaissance of old Japanese firing techniques. The ceramic products of these kilns are similar in earthy appearance, the traces of the accident, impurities in the clay and crusty ash approach glazes are characteristic, all the aesthetic ideal of simplicity, as described by the ancient tea masters in the concept of "wabi cha" (tea Taste of the Pacific was held up).
On the ideals of the simple, rustic and natural, the great ancestor of the Japanese way of tea in the 16th Century founded the Mingei movement in the first half of the 20th Century, when their father Sôetsu Yanagi (1889-1961) holds. In addition to his confrontation with the British Arts and Crafts Movement Yanagi harbored a great fascination for the imperfect rural pottery of the Korean and Japanese folk art. Through them he came to believe that true beauty is found in the simplicity and spontaneity of anonymous craftsmanship. Yanagi philosophical reflection on the beauty of simple things were because of the development of modern ceramics in Japan, scene hardly to be underestimated.
From: nzz.ch
Goku X Vegeta Doujinshi
Kohl and Pinkel Tour
If others celebrate Carnival, we are a fun ride Kohl tour. In February, I have friends with cone Bremen made a little insecure, after all, such a Kohl and Pinkel funny tour of nature.
It could be said as a non Bremer or better than non-North German ask yourself what a Kohl and Pinkel tour? Is that a "disreputable", where one would turn up his nose? No.
Here is an explanation from Wikipedia:
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr BCnkohlessen% C3%
now ensure determines the Low Carb Friends of the question, "Kohl trip, the Low Carb capable? Yes, if one pays attention to the following: No side dishes, take in the fall of potatoes and if liquor, then please vodka (KH has no.) And perhaps as an orange drink water mixture. Now comes the cry: but orange juice has carbs, so why should just the drink mixed with a lot of water so as not to fall into the trap large carbohydrate.
Who wants to be but right now "five" to the world and would like to access from time to time to the sweet spirits can certainly sometimes the rule than the exception confirmation . Consider ;-)
So now I wish all Kohl drivers have fun and let the leg swing dance properly!
Monday, February 28, 2011
How To Tune A Acoustic Solutions Tv
poem to the Cold Mountain
are too many intellectuals in the world
They have studied extensively and know everything
But they know their own true nature not
walk away and, so far from the path
How thoroughly this also explain the reality
What good are they all the empty formulas, then?
If you remember a single time your self-being,
then going on to you the insight to a Buddha.
Hanshan "Poem on the Cold Mountain", from "Zen" by Stephan Schuhmacher
From: Zen of bassui
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Free Dowloaddragonballz Episodes
wind, forest, fire, mountain
told in this translation from Moon in the Water us Niall something interesting about the four elements . Very nice photo of a flag with a motto
wind, forest, fire, mountain 风 林 火山 (furinkazan) was the motto of Takeda Shingen.Takeda was a daimyo in the wartime Japanese history. He was also known as Tiger Kai.Er had a legendary rivalry with Uesugi Kenshin - The Dragon of Echigo - and fought him five times in battle, and once in a duel (Takeda used a Tessen - a Eisenfaecher - against Uesugi's sword). Takeda Shingen is still very much admired and is very popular in Japan (actually both). You can still go to the onsen - hot springs - where he went to after the fighting to recover - the minerals the water contains the sword to help wounds heal faster.
finally wrote many poems samurai death and the death poem of Uesugi Kenshin is very impressive and cool:
And finally, what has this got to do with budo? Simple. We always go back to Takeda Shingen's first principle: As the wind
© 2010 niall matthews
: Carina RL .
told in this translation from Moon in the Water us Niall something interesting about the four elements . Very nice photo of a flag with a motto
photo used by kind permisson of kaeru ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/kaeru/501750/ ) under creative commons license
wind, forest, fire, mountain 风 林 火山 (furinkazan) was the motto of Takeda Shingen.Takeda was a daimyo in the wartime Japanese history. He was also known as Tiger Kai.Er had a legendary rivalry with Uesugi Kenshin - The Dragon of Echigo - and fought him five times in battle, and once in a duel (Takeda used a Tessen - a Eisenfaecher - against Uesugi's sword). Takeda Shingen is still very much admired and is very popular in Japan (actually both). You can still go to the onsen - hot springs - where he went to after the fighting to recover - the minerals the water contains the sword to help wounds heal faster.
His motto, which was on its flag was, like the wind, silent as the forest, fierce as fire and immovable as the mountain ( to move as fast as the wind, be as quiet as the forest attack as fierce as the fire, and to defend as immovable as the mountain).
the original sentence came from the Art of War by Sun Tzu. These were the principles of Takeda Shingen's strategy - long-range planning - and his principles of tactics - how to fight in a battle.
These four concepts have parallels to the Elementen.Im Budismus these elements are earth, water, fire and air. Surprisingly, these four elements (ether added) the same as the elements in the classical Greek (and the same four elements were connected to the four moods or personality types: melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric and lively).
Japanese culture historically used the same four elements, earth, water, fire and air, and similarly concluded a finer element - or missing element: a void or emptiness.
We use the idea of nothingness and emptiness in Budo in advanced concepts such as mushin or mushin no shin, the spirit without spirit municipalities, no thoughts, muso, no reflection, and mugamae a free attitude, or not-quite different attitude of a formal position. So freedom is important - our minds should never be fixed or adhesive.
In Takeda Shingen's sentence immovable as the mountain is an echo of fudoshin - immovable spirit or quiet Decision. There is no contradiction with the mushin. The Zen monk Takuan discussed these concepts in his letter to the sword master Yagyu Tajima no kami (Yagyu Munenori) on Zen and swordsmanship (The Unfettered Mind by Takuan Soho). The spirit
be concentrated and liquid must be free but at the same time always. Besides Takuan speaks in another letter about Zen and tea (cha-no-yu), also on the five Chinese elements (wu xing): fire, earth, metal, water, wood and live in harmony with nature (mountains, rivers , stones and trees).
be concentrated and liquid must be free but at the same time always. Besides Takuan speaks in another letter about Zen and tea (cha-no-yu), also on the five Chinese elements (wu xing): fire, earth, metal, water, wood and live in harmony with nature (mountains, rivers , stones and trees).
Still as the forest may not be as important for Budo. And as for the wild fire in a lyrical and basic mood, here is a poet of the twentieth Overview Century by two elements at the end of the world:
Fire and Ice Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice
From what I have tasted as desired
I hold with those who prefer the fire
But if she had to perish twice
I think I know enough of hate To say
for destruction ice
It is also great And would suffice
finally wrote many poems samurai death and the death poem of Uesugi Kenshin is very impressive and cool:
"四 十 九 年 一睡 の 夢 一 期 の 栄華 一 盃 の 酒" yonjukyu NEN issui no yume ichigo no eiga Ippai no saké
forty-nine years - dream of a night
a life of fame - a glass of sake
And finally, what has this got to do with budo? Simple. We always go back to Takeda Shingen's first principle: As the wind
From: Moon in the water
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
What Will Take Vaseline Off Off Windows
Go game - with intuition against logic
Yin and Yang on a board
Yin and Yang on a board
The Go Game (also known as Baduk: Wei = Umzingelungsspiel, or) was the Chinese invented 2,500 years ago or earlier, making it one of the oldest board games in the world and an example of Chinese philosophy. The rules for this board game understands each child, but the computer does not want to understand that in chess and checkers have become almost invincible. Although there is a logic game, the computer logic to understand the game. One million dollars has exposed a rich Taiwanese to anyone who writes a Go computer program that beat a good Go player kann.Nur the long-term zähltGo is a strategy game. Two players play against each other. A stone is set only once and then stops. If it is possible to enclose pieces of an enemy, they can be removed from the board. Whoever occupies the largest area at the end and taken away the enemy with the most tokens, which is the winner. It can not be all "features" are calculated in advance. The possibilities are many. The instinct wins out over mathematics.
The detour is often faster than the straight
The Go Game is based on intuition and experience, and can not be mastered with logic. A stone in itself means nothing, its importance lies in its relationship with the other stones, and in its importance for the future. The goal is to use their own Stones to conquer territories on the board. Two generals compete for the occupation of an abandoned Landes.Das Go game was also popular in Korea and Japan, where it took its way to the West. The Go Game meditation training and strategic thinking. Many of wisdom can be derived from the Go game. The Chinese philosophy lies in the legend of the game from the legendary first Chinese Emperor Yao said to have been invented. The idea of yin and yang found in the Go game, in which there can be no complete winner or loser, and no real fight. Even the suicide of a separate stone is allowed. You can learn the rules of Go game in a few minutes, for the understanding of the meaning you need But a lifetime. A beginner has already seen problems, who won the game or when the game ended ist.Wie are in a martial art is the division into degrees as Dan or Kyu. When a beginner plays with an Advanced, then he gets a head start, according to his Dan grade. Also in the Internet gaming ausgetragen.Das Go game will also be considered meditation. The brain can be trained. The Go Game is helping to cultivate one's own personality. According to legend, the Go game was designed by a Chinese emperor who wanted to promote for his son, concentration and discipline. There are no complete Go game loser and no perfect Gewinner.Die best Go players the world come from China, Japan, Korea and Russia. In Japan, hundreds of professional Go player, the Go Play leben.Go is a source of many proverbs in China. The meaning of these proverbs reveals itself often only to those who can go dominated game battles is not the key to go, it serves only as a last resort. "Zhong-Pu Liu
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Troubleshooting A Proform Treadmill
Very 'eavy Very' umble
Here we recommend Niall Moon in water in the that we should never lose the modesty and humility. Great photo again.
photo: let humility be your crown by Shira Golding http://www.flickr.com/photos/boojee/312296517/ used by very kind permission under creative commons license
Shame on you not, my brothers, to stand before the proud and mighty
"If I can walk humbly make the remark," said Uriah Heep with a twisted ...
... sunao A mind is a spirit not caught, free to effectively adapt to new circumstances. A person with this spirit of looking at things as they are at this moment and colors them with no particular trend, emotion or prejudice.
Rachel Lapp (Kelly McGillis): I would like to say, this type jacket has no buttons. Do you see? Hooks and eyes.
"... I had seen much of him I liked him weger his physical energy combined with a certain simplicity and modesty, though, yes, he had nothing to be conceited "
Here we recommend Niall Moon in water in the that we should never lose the modesty and humility. Great photo again.
photo: let humility be your crown by Shira Golding http://www.flickr.com/photos/boojee/312296517/ used by very kind permission under creative commons license
Shame on you not, my brothers, to stand before the proud and mighty
With your white robe of simplicity. be
Let your crown of humility, your freedom is the freedom of the soul.
The sunset of the century by the great Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore
"If I can walk humbly make the remark," said Uriah Heep with a twisted ...
David Copperfield Charles Dickens
... sunao A mind is a spirit not caught, free to effectively adapt to new circumstances. A person with this spirit of looking at things as they are at this moment and colors them with no particular trend, emotion or prejudice.
My management philosophy of Konosuke Matsushita
Rachel Lapp (Kelly McGillis): I would like to say, this type jacket has no buttons. Do you see? Hooks and eyes.
John Book (Harrison Ford): Buttons against something?
Rachel Lapp: Buttons are proud and vain, do not.
John Book: How to see I made - I mean look, I look like Amish?
John Book: How to see I made - I mean look, I look like Amish?
Rachel Lapp: [nods] You look just .
witnesses, by director Peter Weir
"... I had seen much of him I liked him weger his physical energy combined with a certain simplicity and modesty, though, yes, he had nothing to be conceited "
The Riddle of the Sands by Erskine Childers
Since Charles Dickens Uriah Heep in David Copperfield in 1850 wrote, humility has not had great press. Although the British rock band Uriah Heep tried their names, starting with the album very "Eavy very" humble rehabilitate them.
But to be genuine Budokas, we should always be modest. If we are proud of our progress is blocked. Sometimes - perhaps often - forever. In Japanese is sunao modest. Sunao comes from the Japanese characters 素 simple or unaffected su and Nao 直 just or honest. So called sunao modest, honest and open. It is connected to the Zen concept of the ego off. An unfortunate thing about this is that we can not drop the coverage. Never. Every day we should keep aware of the open, free, honest and humble beginner's mind. The late
Kisaburo Osawa Sensei, one of the great aikido teacher, was once in a Interview after the only advice he would give senior aikidokas asked. He said: "I can only say you will not conceited." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabindranath_Tagore
But to be genuine Budokas, we should always be modest. If we are proud of our progress is blocked. Sometimes - perhaps often - forever. In Japanese is sunao modest. Sunao comes from the Japanese characters 素 simple or unaffected su and Nao 直 just or honest. So called sunao modest, honest and open. It is connected to the Zen concept of the ego off. An unfortunate thing about this is that we can not drop the coverage. Never. Every day we should keep aware of the open, free, honest and humble beginner's mind. The late
Kisaburo Osawa Sensei, one of the great aikido teacher, was once in a Interview after the only advice he would give senior aikidokas asked. He said: "I can only say you will not conceited." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabindranath_Tagore
very cool blog about Indian design
Wikipedia Biography
© 2010 Niall Matthews
© 2010 Niall Matthews
translation: Carina RL
From: Moon in the water
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Heart Murmur Irregular Heartbeat
Warm cold-blooded
kein Gefuehl?
streichelnden Fingers
und Waerme .
Photo und Text: Carina R.L. Tuesday, February 22, 2011
How To Go Live Online With My Decks
Aikido meeting 02/19/2011
Letzten Samstag hatten wir eine angenehme Aikido Zusammenkunft mit Kollegen von verschiedenen Klubs. Unser Lehrer Manuel betonte ausdruecklich, dass unser Training entspannt aber mit kraeftiger Anwesenheit sein sollte und dass wir unseren Uke immer respektieren und auf ihn aufpassen sollten, Uke leiht uns seinen Koerper zum . Train Our colleague from Tassos Aikitas Club of Santa Cruz de Tenerife attached particular importance to us to use our center without power, the latter of course is very advanced, but we need several years of regular training. At the end of uniform criteria were discussed in terms of rates, insurance, inspections and any questions could stellen.Endlich we went into the next coffee to refresh ourselves with a delicious ice cream.
Letzten Samstag hatten wir eine angenehme Aikido Zusammenkunft mit Kollegen von verschiedenen Klubs. Unser Lehrer Manuel betonte ausdruecklich, dass unser Training entspannt aber mit kraeftiger Anwesenheit sein sollte und dass wir unseren Uke immer respektieren und auf ihn aufpassen sollten, Uke leiht uns seinen Koerper zum . Train Our colleague from Tassos Aikitas Club of Santa Cruz de Tenerife attached particular importance to us to use our center without power, the latter of course is very advanced, but we need several years of regular training. At the end of uniform criteria were discussed in terms of rates, insurance, inspections and any questions could stellen.Endlich we went into the next coffee to refresh ourselves with a delicious ice cream.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Why Do I Get Bloated When I Have To Poop
music has a positive effect on health from
In a study by the Central Health Insurance found that music can affect not only mood but also had a positive effect on health.
In the study, ten chart hits from different genres have effect on the W
ohlbefinden a person studied. It was found that the pace of the songs determine the effects of music. Normally run from a human body functions at 72 beats per minute. Music with a higher rate stimulant effect, while a slower pace is calming. Specifically
had rock and pop music such as "Alejandro" of Lady Gaga "Beautiful Day" by U2 PDER "Enter Sandman" by Metallica a mood-and performance-enhancing effect. Quiet guitar music with a tempo of 60 beats per minute produced the biggest triggers relaxation and easing muscle. Such peaceful sounds reducing the study, the Blutdruck der Hörer um durchschnittlich 5 mmHg. Eine andere Studie der Universität Belgrad zeigte, dass 12 Minuten ruhiger Musik ausreichten, um eine Senkung des Blutdrucks und Normalisierung des Pulses zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus traten bei den Teilnehmern, die Musik hörten, weniger häufig Angina und Herzversagen auf.
Klassische Musik hat vor allem bei Ängsten, Depressionen und Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen einen positiven Effekt. Ihre positive Wirkung zeigt sich auch bei Schlafstörungen und chronischen Schmerzen. Angesichts dieser Ergebnisse empfiehlt die Central Krankenversicherung, sich die therapeutische Wirkung von Musik stärker zunutze zu machen – aber natürlich in Maßen und in einer normalen Lautstärke, damage to hearing are not.
From: Gesundial.de
In a study by the Central Health Insurance found that music can affect not only mood but also had a positive effect on health.
In the study, ten chart hits from different genres have effect on the W
had rock and pop music such as "Alejandro" of Lady Gaga "Beautiful Day" by U2 PDER "Enter Sandman" by Metallica a mood-and performance-enhancing effect. Quiet guitar music with a tempo of 60 beats per minute produced the biggest triggers relaxation and easing muscle. Such peaceful sounds reducing the study, the Blutdruck der Hörer um durchschnittlich 5 mmHg. Eine andere Studie der Universität Belgrad zeigte, dass 12 Minuten ruhiger Musik ausreichten, um eine Senkung des Blutdrucks und Normalisierung des Pulses zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus traten bei den Teilnehmern, die Musik hörten, weniger häufig Angina und Herzversagen auf.
Klassische Musik hat vor allem bei Ängsten, Depressionen und Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen einen positiven Effekt. Ihre positive Wirkung zeigt sich auch bei Schlafstörungen und chronischen Schmerzen. Angesichts dieser Ergebnisse empfiehlt die Central Krankenversicherung, sich die therapeutische Wirkung von Musik stärker zunutze zu machen – aber natürlich in Maßen und in einer normalen Lautstärke, damage to hearing are not.
From: Gesundial.de
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Cellebrite Supported Phones
cold / hot
In this thoughtful post from Moon in the water , Niall is excited by this wonderful photo, the cold snow on the warm branch of the Pflaumenbluete.
great photo of snow and plum blossom by Keiko used with her very kind permission
紅梅 の 春 を 抑える
枝 の 雪
haru no where osaeru
no eda yuki
re snow
the spring back
holds but on a branch
plum blossom
warm the heart stops and your head cool on the Plaza de Toros - that's the whole secret .
In Japanese, there is a saying, san kan shi on 三 寒 四 温. Three cold and four warm. It may mean that after three cold days and four warm Days will follow. But there is another meaning. Only if the weather is becoming warm and you think that spring will come at last, comes the cold back. Last week it was hot in Japan and we thought spring had arrived. Then there was a sudden snowfall. So the spring is not here yet.
are in Japanese, there are two basic sign of cold. The first is as cold as in temperature: kan or samui 寒 (Japanese characters often have multiple pronunciations or readings). We use this word in the martial arts in Kangeiko 寒 稽古 - Training in the coldest time of year. The second is to touch the cold: rei or tsumetai or 冷 of such action or sameru.
There are also two characters are for hot. The first is hot as in the heat: sho 暑 or ATSUI. We use this word in Budo in shochugeiko 暑 中 稽古 - special summer training at the hottest weather.
And the second character is too hot to touch: Netsu or ATSUI 热. Netsu is used in a sentence nesshin 热心 - hot heart. We also use the in Budo. It means something eager and full of energy and passion to do. However, as we know, are also, we should never forget the passion.
keep as your heart hot and a cool head in your own Plaza de Toros.
Yasunari Kawabata won the Nobel Prize for Literature 1968th
Vicki Baum was a very popular Austrian writer. She emigrated to the United States and later wrote her novels in English.
Kangeiko 寒 稽古 (cold Keiko): Special winter training camp in the early morning hours during the coldest days of winter to strengthen endurance and the soul, a Kodokan tradition which is carried out since 1884.
Wikipedia article about Japanese kanji. Japanese pronunciation of the characters on to Yomi, the sound when reading it in China or kun yomi, the importance of reading in Japanese.
Wikipedia article on Haiku
© 2011 Niall Matthews
In this thoughtful post from Moon in the water , Niall is excited by this wonderful photo, the cold snow on the warm branch of the Pflaumenbluete.
紅梅 の 春 を 抑える
枝 の 雪
haru no where osaeru
no eda yuki
re snow
the spring back
holds but on a branch
plum blossom
The train came out of the tunnel in the snow country.
Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata (the great first line of the novel)
warm the heart stops and your head cool on the Plaza de Toros - that's the whole secret .
Ballerina (theme for the ballet) by Vicki Baum (Plaza de Toros is the place of bullfighting)
In Japanese, there is a saying, san kan shi on 三 寒 四 温. Three cold and four warm. It may mean that after three cold days and four warm Days will follow. But there is another meaning. Only if the weather is becoming warm and you think that spring will come at last, comes the cold back. Last week it was hot in Japan and we thought spring had arrived. Then there was a sudden snowfall. So the spring is not here yet.
are in Japanese, there are two basic sign of cold. The first is as cold as in temperature: kan or samui 寒 (Japanese characters often have multiple pronunciations or readings). We use this word in the martial arts in Kangeiko 寒 稽古 - Training in the coldest time of year. The second is to touch the cold: rei or tsumetai or 冷 of such action or sameru.
There are also two characters are for hot. The first is hot as in the heat: sho 暑 or ATSUI. We use this word in Budo in shochugeiko 暑 中 稽古 - special summer training at the hottest weather.
And the second character is too hot to touch: Netsu or ATSUI 热. Netsu is used in a sentence nesshin 热心 - hot heart. We also use the in Budo. It means something eager and full of energy and passion to do. However, as we know, are also, we should never forget the passion.
keep as your heart hot and a cool head in your own Plaza de Toros.
Yasunari Kawabata won the Nobel Prize for Literature 1968th
Vicki Baum was a very popular Austrian writer. She emigrated to the United States and later wrote her novels in English.
Kangeiko 寒 稽古 (cold Keiko): Special winter training camp in the early morning hours during the coldest days of winter to strengthen endurance and the soul, a Kodokan tradition which is carried out since 1884.
Kodokan New Japanese-English Dictionary of Judo
Wikipedia article about Japanese kanji. Japanese pronunciation of the characters on to Yomi, the sound when reading it in China or kun yomi, the importance of reading in Japanese.
Wikipedia article on Haiku
© 2011 Niall Matthews
translation: Carina RL
From: Moon water in the
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Best Mid Priced Av Receiver
vegetable kingdom Pablo Neruda
In countries without a name, without number, drove
grew in the fertile time.
The trumpet tree blossoms drove foam
A new fragrance exude
In countries without a name, without number, drove
from other areas Coming down the wind, the rain brought
and the god of water-saturated altars
gave the flowers and the life.
grew in the fertile time.
The trumpet tree blossoms drove foam
as overseas gloss,
the Monkey-puzzle tree, with their bristling spears
covered handsomely against the snow, the primeval
sweated blood from his crown.
And in the south of the larches
were the thunder tree, the red tree,
the vermilion red kapok tree, which were rubber tree,
of earthly wealth and sound,
being the earth.
A new fragrance exude
filled urgently from the columns of the earth
, breathing,
transformed into smoke and odor:
the wild tobacco rose is
as a rose bush in the air. live
by Mikis Theodorakis at the Konzerthaus Berlin
by Mikis Theodorakis at the Konzerthaus Berlin
Friday, February 18, 2011
How Long For Silicone To Dry Completely
Kendo and the power of rituals
storm With a loud war cry, the fighters each other. The swords bang against each other. What at first sounds like a brutal sword fight, is the normal practice of the kendo club Kokugikan in Kreuzberg. Kendo is a Japanese martial art that is being fought in the bamboo swords. It is trendy.
At the time of the samurai was Kendo, as well as judo and other martial arts, used it to kill the enemy. In modern Japan Kendo was then introduced as a sport, but banned after the Second World War by the Americans for a few years. Today, Kendo is one of the most popular sports in Japan and abroad, the number of followers.
articles about kendo, I asked the coach by the club Kokugikan, Mitsuyoshi Aoki. What do the fighters get in kendo, I wanted to do with him. "The individual goal of kendo is different for everyone, is a very important common goal but the strengthening of character," says Aoki. The philosophy of the struggle in kendo is different than that in judo or aikido. When it goes according to coach Kendo Aoki concerned with "the enemy first defeat with intellectual energy and then strike. "This means that you tried first to defeat the enemy with his own thought by him to take you to believe that he is inferior. Only then beats you with the sword. How popular
Kendo is actually in Berlin and Germany? "Kendo is more popular in Germany. It is not about power, but to read the mind of the enemy. Thus it can exercise at any age and of women and men. Judo has, ever since it was introduced as an Olympic discipline, has become an almost pure martial arts such as wrestling. This makes the Japanese rituals such as greetings, courtesy and respect for the opponent no longer a priority. Personen, die mit einer japanischen Kampfsportart auch die japanische Seele kennenlernen möchten, fühlen sich zunehmend von Kendo und ähnlichen Kampfkünsten angezogen“, meint der Trainer zu diesem Trend.
Auch Sportler aus Deutschland sind bei internationalen Kendo-Meisterschaften schon erfolgreich vertreten. Aokis Tochter Susanne zum Beispiel ist 2008 Europameisterin geworden. Bei der Kendo-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 war sie in der Nationalmanschaft und schaffte es auf den dritten Platz. Von fünf Nationalmannschaftsmitgliedern waren immerhin drei aus Berlin.
Am besten ist es übrigens, mit dem Kendo schon recht früh zu beginnen: zwischen dem fünften und 13. Lebensjahr. Rituale wie etwa Begrüßungen, Höflichkeit and respect are in kendo for Aoki Mitsuyoshi representations of "the most important thing." They are the expression of respect for opponents and the people.
Yakumo Tomeda, Vol 8, Berlin International School, Schmargendorf
storm With a loud war cry, the fighters each other. The swords bang against each other. What at first sounds like a brutal sword fight, is the normal practice of the kendo club Kokugikan in Kreuzberg. Kendo is a Japanese martial art that is being fought in the bamboo swords. It is trendy.
At the time of the samurai was Kendo, as well as judo and other martial arts, used it to kill the enemy. In modern Japan Kendo was then introduced as a sport, but banned after the Second World War by the Americans for a few years. Today, Kendo is one of the most popular sports in Japan and abroad, the number of followers.
articles about kendo, I asked the coach by the club Kokugikan, Mitsuyoshi Aoki. What do the fighters get in kendo, I wanted to do with him. "The individual goal of kendo is different for everyone, is a very important common goal but the strengthening of character," says Aoki. The philosophy of the struggle in kendo is different than that in judo or aikido. When it goes according to coach Kendo Aoki concerned with "the enemy first defeat with intellectual energy and then strike. "This means that you tried first to defeat the enemy with his own thought by him to take you to believe that he is inferior. Only then beats you with the sword. How popular
Kendo is actually in Berlin and Germany? "Kendo is more popular in Germany. It is not about power, but to read the mind of the enemy. Thus it can exercise at any age and of women and men. Judo has, ever since it was introduced as an Olympic discipline, has become an almost pure martial arts such as wrestling. This makes the Japanese rituals such as greetings, courtesy and respect for the opponent no longer a priority. Personen, die mit einer japanischen Kampfsportart auch die japanische Seele kennenlernen möchten, fühlen sich zunehmend von Kendo und ähnlichen Kampfkünsten angezogen“, meint der Trainer zu diesem Trend.
Auch Sportler aus Deutschland sind bei internationalen Kendo-Meisterschaften schon erfolgreich vertreten. Aokis Tochter Susanne zum Beispiel ist 2008 Europameisterin geworden. Bei der Kendo-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 war sie in der Nationalmanschaft und schaffte es auf den dritten Platz. Von fünf Nationalmannschaftsmitgliedern waren immerhin drei aus Berlin.
Am besten ist es übrigens, mit dem Kendo schon recht früh zu beginnen: zwischen dem fünften und 13. Lebensjahr. Rituale wie etwa Begrüßungen, Höflichkeit and respect are in kendo for Aoki Mitsuyoshi representations of "the most important thing." They are the expression of respect for opponents and the people.
Yakumo Tomeda, Vol 8, Berlin International School, Schmargendorf
From: Morgenpost.de
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Cervical Spondylosis With Meth
provided by the Aikido
How would you call it aikido? Niall has a few examples in water in the Moon . Very nice photo again.
cool motorbike Bikekido photo by Chris Patterson http://www.flickr.com/photos/dimmerswitch/3769587250/ photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/dimmers .. .th/3769587250 / used under creative commons license and with his very kind permission
© 2010 niall matthews
From: Moon in the water
How would you call it aikido? Niall has a few examples in water in the Moon . Very nice photo again.
We had the daily cleaning. And tomorrow morning we will have
do after the shooting was. But today, today we have
naming of parts.
naming of parts of Henry Reed.
I heard on the BBC that the most advanced nuclear submarine in the world, HMS Astute, off the coast of Scotland with the entry form unterging.Eine to gehen.Übrigens it is the first time that I needed a form of irony I (check the thread from Omotokyo http://www.aikiweb.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18832 ).
So I thought about after nomination. Judo is a good name. He is short and powerful, and it contains the essence of the art itself: the way of making Sanftheit.Selbstverständlich forget the many people who Judo. Kendo is easier to clear name: The Way of the Sword. Alone Karate - empty hand - is a cool and concise name, but if - do - the way - is added, it sounds like an afterthought: Karatedo. In Kobudo - old martial arts - a name that I liked more is Kage-ryu kenjutsu - shadow of the sword style. Later it was Shinkage-ryu - new shadow style in the 16th century, but it does not as such.
Mention of Aikido is something vage.Ich not think that I have seen a good translation of it. + + Harmony energy way. In the Wikipedia is: Aikido is often translated as "The Way of the association (with) life energy" or "the way of harmonious spirit." Well, not often. I've never heard of. Sometimes it is called the path of harmony but it did not mention the Ki part. I've seen the way of harmonious energy.
Then there are some names that try to call the spirit of Aikido to translate rather than the words. The way of peace. The way of love. The way of Universums.Sie may sound a little corny?. So if you have a suggestion, please write a comment.
Maybe we go back to the way of harmony. But I think I am for de way of truth decide. It is what it is for me.
This is a cool powerful poem by Henry Reed, Naming of Parts http://www.solearabiantree.net/namin...ngofparts.html
News report on Her Majesty's Submarine Astute:
http:// www.telegraph.co.uk / news / news...s-aground.html
http:// www.telegraph.co.uk / news / news...s-aground.html
© 2010 niall matthews
translation: Carina RL
From: Moon in the water
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Singapore-mr Men T Shirts
The injured tree
fire Burnt tree
If the bark.
Through time,
the open sore
despite wind
despite rain
slowly heals.
Photo and text: Carina RL
Monday, February 14, 2011
What Is The Best Margarita Premix
Einstein from the sea
fatty acid makes you smart! It sounds almost mystical, what Omega-3 can do for your health. And still waiting on the research with new surprises.
much fish, plenty of brains. What sounds like a slogan from Hamburg's eel-Dieter, is the conclusion of a Swedish long term study of thousands of young men. According to Prof. Kjell gates, Göteborg University, were the ones who once ate 15 fish a week, considering the age of 18 the fish abstainers in terms of expression, spatial awareness and IQ considerably.
Even closer to the Einstein's IQ (which incidentally was never determined exactly) came up those guys who had several times a week fish on the plate. This is due, according to Prof. gates very likely the fish oil, specifically the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). For all those fish have not can have on your plate, it should be mentioned that the herbal alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is one of the omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 has long been a hot topic among scientists and in the meantime become the darling of the manufacturers of dietary supplements. In addition to normal salmon oil (eg Sanhelios) have a lot to their special version on the market, for example, as part of vital material cures (eg Orthomol), from sustainable fisheries (eg, Loges), as omega-3 concentrate ( Double heart).
Even outside the industry to make. Behind the brand Mare Gold for example, puts a wholly owned subsidiary of Springer-Verlag. When IQ-donor for reading the Bild newspaper? Hardly. With Omega-3 can earn money. The German market has an annual volume of 27 million €. From time to register while skeptics - the majority of researchers and studies from around the world but comes to positive results, on a variety of fields. Thus, omega-3 fatty acids alleviate depression, stop age-related macular degeneration, vote (American) prison inmates peaceful, rheumatism, relieve work against prostate and colon cancer, may prevent type 1 diabetes ...
East Berlin at the top
research began as researchers so that had to care for omega-3 fatty acids, the focus was on cardiovascular disease. The Danes Dyerberg and Bang, the two major pioneers had set with their research in the direction of the Eskimos. It was noted that the Inuit that feed mainly on seals and fish will not suffer from atherosclerosis and heart attack. A root of the omega-3 research is in (East) Berlin. Dr. Peter Singer, then diabetes clinic Berlin-Kaulsdorf: "A patient of mine, a chemist, has assailed me in 1970, he left home to some of the tissue sample of his liver so he can analyze the fatty acid composition. Here we encountered a hitherto ignored fatty acids - eicosapentaenoic acid "
off. Good-rat.de
fatty acid makes you smart! It sounds almost mystical, what Omega-3 can do for your health. And still waiting on the research with new surprises.
much fish, plenty of brains. What sounds like a slogan from Hamburg's eel-Dieter, is the conclusion of a Swedish long term study of thousands of young men. According to Prof. Kjell gates, Göteborg University, were the ones who once ate 15 fish a week, considering the age of 18 the fish abstainers in terms of expression, spatial awareness and IQ considerably.
Even closer to the Einstein's IQ (which incidentally was never determined exactly) came up those guys who had several times a week fish on the plate. This is due, according to Prof. gates very likely the fish oil, specifically the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). For all those fish have not can have on your plate, it should be mentioned that the herbal alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is one of the omega 3 fatty acids.
Even outside the industry to make. Behind the brand Mare Gold for example, puts a wholly owned subsidiary of Springer-Verlag. When IQ-donor for reading the Bild newspaper? Hardly. With Omega-3 can earn money. The German market has an annual volume of 27 million €. From time to register while skeptics - the majority of researchers and studies from around the world but comes to positive results, on a variety of fields. Thus, omega-3 fatty acids alleviate depression, stop age-related macular degeneration, vote (American) prison inmates peaceful, rheumatism, relieve work against prostate and colon cancer, may prevent type 1 diabetes ...
East Berlin at the top
research began as researchers so that had to care for omega-3 fatty acids, the focus was on cardiovascular disease. The Danes Dyerberg and Bang, the two major pioneers had set with their research in the direction of the Eskimos. It was noted that the Inuit that feed mainly on seals and fish will not suffer from atherosclerosis and heart attack. A root of the omega-3 research is in (East) Berlin. Dr. Peter Singer, then diabetes clinic Berlin-Kaulsdorf: "A patient of mine, a chemist, has assailed me in 1970, he left home to some of the tissue sample of his liver so he can analyze the fatty acid composition. Here we encountered a hitherto ignored fatty acids - eicosapentaenoic acid "
off. Good-rat.de
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Warhammer Tabletop Online Game
MAD Dance Music Aikido
Niall is comparing Budo with music and dancing in water in the Moon . Very nice painting by Matisse to consider.
picture of Matisse's Dance (La Danse) from Wikipedia used under creative commons license
Niall is comparing Budo with music and dancing in water in the Moon . Very nice painting by Matisse to consider.
not, more music, do not stop dancing.
Bryan Ferry
Some teachers teach Aikido as dancing - on the one hand, this is not at all warlike. I watched synchronized performances where everyone makes the same technique in the same form at the same time as the synchronized swimming. Hapkido is a Korean Daito Ryu Martial Arts of Aikijujutsu derived. It is written exactly like Aikido 合 気 道. In Hapkido, there is music in the background during training.
Below is a forum thread about dancing
A link was discovered by chance at an interesting article Deep inside or round dancing around by Paul Schweer
His guitar teacher told him he should the string play as they would like . This is also the form of Aikido make.
There are some clear Parallel between Budo and music and dancing go back further than the Koerperbewegung. Time and rhythm and flow, for example. And ma ai - the critical distance (the ma ai the breaks and pauses in music are). And balance. And connection.
If we look closer what O-Sensei made at the end of his life, it is perhaps not parallel. Maybe he's not my way of some getanzt.Ich the diluted Budotraining. I mean real dancing. Dancing from the soul. Dancing for the Gods.
© 2010 niall matthews
translation: Carina RL
Aus: Moon in the water
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Chronotherm Iv Installer Setup
Omote and Ura
Two gold circles
one in the grey clouds
on salty winds
the other
in the wet sand
as the sea
slides away
N. M.(Entwurf Carina RL)
two golden circles
one in the gray clouds
on salty winds
the other
in the wet sand again
during the sea
Photo und deutscher Text: Carina R.L.
Solarium Before After
A little note:)
After the great and critically acclaimed performances in November and January, it is now time for some new appearances. :)
you still looking for something original for your student council or dinner party?
We provide variety, mood and higher beating hearts of men:).
Because we bring a great show and support you like to dance at your original program. :)
If you are interested, then write us an e-mail;)
We would uns riesig darüber freuen ;)
Bis bald
die Mädels vom DaBa :)
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